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Elitist Newsweek attacks Sarah

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Elitist Newsweek attacks Sarah Empty Elitist Newsweek attacks Sarah

Post  BillD Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:39 am

and I'm glad I've long since canceled my subscription, otherwise, I'd be doing so NOW.
I urge others to do the same - it's the only way to voice our displeasure. News is news, but that's an editorial, NOT news.
I've got news for them! ALMOST ALL of our presidents have lacked OJT. And many in congress and senate (what about Davy Crockett?) have lacked formal training.
Newsweek's John Meacham thinks that Governor Sarah Palin is too much a commoner and too stupid to be allowed to become vice president of the United States of America and apparently his employer agrees with him. The October 13 cover of Newsweek features a close up photo of the Governor with the headline "She's One of the Folks (And that's the problem)," and Meacham writes the accompanying cover story. Be clear about what this means: This is a direct attack on Mr. and Mrs. America. We are all too stupid to be president in the elite opinion of John Meacham and Newsweek magazine.

Meacham finds Palin to be incurious, unprepared, and even finds it "dangerous" if she were to become our vice president but he offers us nothing but his opinion to judge by. And it's all because she doesn't measure up to his personal standards. Sadly for Meacham's elitism, however, Palin easily satisfies the standards that the Founding Fathers set as criteria for stepping into the highest office in the land. Curiously, Meacham does not once mention the actual Constitutional requirements to run for office in his entire sarcastic attack on Sarah Palin. Like most of his ilk, the Constitution seems meaningless minutia to him.

SO, Meacham - I'm TOO STUPID to be a president or VP? You are saying most Americans are TOO STUPID??

You want to fix the medial bias - them all HRC supporters, PUMAs, and Sarah Palin supporters, cancel your subscriptions and further, tell them you will be boycotting their advertisers!
That'll fix 'em. That would be HALF THE COUNTRY, oh - they don't care, we're TOO STUPID.

Posts : 601
Join date : 2008-09-16

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