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VIDEO - CNN - Lou Dobbs Reporting FBI Investigation - Bailout Participants

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VIDEO - CNN - Lou Dobbs Reporting FBI Investigation - Bailout Participants Empty VIDEO - CNN - Lou Dobbs Reporting FBI Investigation - Bailout Participants

Post  Starlight Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:33 pm

Hope this all gets out before the election.

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VIDEO - CNN - Lou Dobbs Reporting FBI Investigation - Bailout Participants Empty Re: VIDEO - CNN - Lou Dobbs Reporting FBI Investigation - Bailout Participants

Post  4Sarah Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:46 pm

Great video...I sent that one and these below to all in my email address book today. If the MSM won't get the message out in this election I feel it is up to us little people to get the information out. So I spend my days sending out the info I I try to do my part for our team and for COUNTRY FIRST!!! sunny

Who is ACORN?

Article on ACORN:

As negotiations over Congress’s emergency rescue bill continued over the weekend, repeated rumors leaked out that the Democrats were trying to funnel money to a hyper-partisan organization involved in criminal voter fraud. I’m speaking of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — known by its acronym, ACORN. Although ACORN was cut from the final legislation, it’s important to understand this organization and its long history with, of all people, Barack Obama. And it’s important to see how partisan this emergency legislation has become.

Voter fraud is in one sense the worst crime against democracy. The sole means of democratically choosing leaders is through voting. Every voter gets an equal vote. Every citizen who is a law-abiding adult has an equal voice in who will govern us. Our vote is sacred. Those engaging in voter fraud are in one sense no different than who intimidated voters at the polls in years past. Voter fraud may not be attended by the suffering that accompanied the beatings and water hoses of those days, but the assault on democracy is no less real.

ACORN is a discredited organization, and far too many of its leaders and workers have been prosecuted for felonies against democracy. The idea that a single dime of taxpayer money would ever go to such a group is an outrage.

And Mr. Obama needs to explain his involvement with them.

It suddenly seems so clear why Democrats want ACORN to get some of the taxpayers’ money. I have unapologetically criticized Republicans, some by name, for out-of-control spending, lack of accountability, and other inexcusable actions that have tarnished the GOP and disserved the nation. And there are other issues that are either both parties’ fault, or no one’s fault.

But here, the Democrats are squarely to blame. They have resisted all attempts at reforming Fannie and Freddie, and pushed those organizations to become ever more reckless in their policies. This made the investments on Wall Street carrying those tainted mortgages go from bad to worse, and now we’re in a crisis and on the verge of a meltdown

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Location : Sacramento Foothills

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