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When are the republican going to fight back?

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  Mad_Jasper Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:49 pm

Never have I been so disgusted with the democratic leadership as I am right now. The democrat's guilt is irrefutable. There is video evidence of the democratic party fighting against regulations that may have prevented, or at least lessened, this disaster yet no one in the republican party will expose this.

As I watch Dodd, Pelosi, Frank, and Reid blast the republicans over this fiasco, I am literally sickened. The very people that stand in front of the cameras sanctimoniously beating the podium are the cause.

95 percent of the people don't want the bailout. The democrats have the majority in Congress, they can pass this without the republicans. I've warned my Congressman and Senators that if they support this bill, not only will I not vote for them in the next election, I will work very hard to ensure their defeat.

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  NOBAMA Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:52 pm

hopefully there will be a oct surprise


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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  Lynn Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:10 pm

Glad to find someone as sickened as I was by this last lying news conference by Pelosi, Reid, Dodd and Frank.

I had to turn the sound down or throw something at the TV.

When will the Republicans stand up? Other than a few in the House who have the necessary manly equipment to do so, the answer is never.

Evil or Very Mad

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  SweetNightmare Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:18 pm

Mad_Jasper wrote:Never have I been so disgusted with the democratic leadership as I am right now. The democrat's guilt is irrefutable. There is video evidence of the democratic party fighting against regulations that may have prevented, or at least lessened, this disaster yet no one in the republican party will expose this.

As I watch Dodd, Pelosi, Frank, and Reid blast the republicans over this fiasco, I am literally sickened. The very people that stand in front of the cameras sanctimoniously beating the podium are the cause.

95 percent of the people don't want the bailout. The democrats have the majority in Congress, they can pass this without the republicans. I've warned my Congressman and Senators that if they support this bill, not only will I not vote for them in the next election, I will work very hard to ensure their defeat.

I feel your pain.
For me, this campaign has gotten dirtier and dirtier each day. It is making me furious with rage. It is like I want to go and scream in peoples' faces, I want to verbally assault them. What they are doing is WRONG. What keeps me civil, however, is knowing that IF I were to assault anyone, attack using lies, or try to silence anyone, I would be just as bad as they are. We must learn to look over that and to rise above it. We are better than that and in the end karma will reward us all accordingly.

As for the issue you are pointing out, I am so angered by the house liberals and Bush. A bailout? THEY want MY money to make up for THEIR mistakes???? That is like rewarding a child for throwing a temper tantrum. A kid kicks and screams in the store, you don't feel like dealing with it so you buy whatever he wants to shut him up. No lessons are learned and you just wasted your money. The whole process is disgusting. the house republicans are getting all the shit and being told they are "in the way" UM, NO!! They are speaking for a total majorty of the American population!!
THIS is JUST CAUSE to elect Republicans for at least HALF of congress. Apparently, they know what the AMERICAN PEOPLE want! Perhaps, we will actually be able to get things DONE!


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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  BillD Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:57 pm

I hate to admit it (I know, this comes from yeah, right - puke city) but I think this person is right.
Where the heck is McCain?
Where was he during the debate? That wasn't the McCain I remember giving his "war is horrible" and "I hate war" lines, instead, he acted like "bring 'em on, we'll take 'em".
McCain had to WIN big to win, the more I review, the more I think it was a draw, and because Barry came out a surviver, he will be seen as winning. The first debate is historically the most important one and the one that most viewers watch.

And where are the Republicans on this bill now?? The DEMS are on TV taking FULL CREDIT for saving our sorry butts from the bad guys, and they are blaming the Republicans for show-boating and almost blocking progress. They are still SUCCESSFULLY blaming the Republicans for the mess we are in, and they don't fight back.
McCain was seen as nearly killing it, not helping (just ask John Q. Public, doesn't matter what's right, matters what they think they saw)
So from their point of view, the Dems are frantically attempting to save us, the Republicans are getting in the way, and should get NO credit, and McCain was jumping in and confusing the whole mess and will get no credit.
Barry was on this AM telling the world "yeah, that's pretty much what I told them to do" and taking nearly FULL CREDIT!
This is all over CNN, Fox, etc. - the Dems are saving the day, Barry gets credit (or takes credit) and our side is sitting on their thumbs, or sucking them, dumbfounded and not knowing what the hell to do!
What idiots! The Republicans, sorry, will get what they deserve for so TOTALLY blowing this all. What morons.
How can they not defend themselves?

I'm so pissed at BOTH sides now!

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  SweetNightmare Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:40 pm

BillD wrote:
And where are the Republicans on this bill now?? The DEMS are on TV taking FULL CREDIT for saving our sorry butts from the bad guys, and they are blaming the Republicans for show-boating and almost blocking progress. They are still SUCCESSFULLY blaming the Republicans for the mess we are in, and they don't fight back.

So from their point of view, the Dems are frantically attempting to save us, the Republicans are getting in the way, and should get NO credit, and McCain was jumping in and confusing the whole mess and will get no credit.
Barry was on this AM telling the world "yeah, that's pretty much what I told them to do" and taking nearly FULL CREDIT!
This is all over CNN, Fox, etc. - the Dems are saving the day, Barry gets credit (or takes credit) and our side is sitting on their thumbs, or sucking them, dumbfounded and not knowing what the hell to do!
What idiots! The Republicans, sorry, will get what they deserve for so TOTALLY blowing this all. What morons.
How can they not defend themselves?

I'm so pissed at BOTH sides now!

I'm pissed that the Repubs aren't going AWOL on them and Barry Hussien. The actual bill needs to be approved. Now, the dems could EASILY vote on this bill WITHOUT the help of the house Republicans. Why does Nancy Pelosi want/need 50% of the Rebulicans on board? If this bill is so great and they are saving us from a terrible disaster, why will they not just put it out there? I honestly think their bailout is crap. People got homes they KNEW they could not afford. And when all is said and done, and the mess catches up with them, it is the HARD WORKING Americans that have to spend THEIR money to bail them out. I think it's low. I want to GOP to come up with an alternative plan, or start bringing out the big guns. The house Dems know that the majority of this country is totally against this plan, if anything bad happens they'll blame that 50% of republicans that agreed to it.

I'm telling ya, if the bill is a savior, they ought to just pass it. There is a reason they are acting like such whiners. They don't want to be pinned with the blame when this all blows up.

And BO takes credit for EVERYTHING. the guy is 100% Schmuck. He is arrogant. And Fox news has been a let down for the past few days, and has been putting on liberals like crazy. It's like someone paid them to start pushing for the left.


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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  BillD Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:13 pm

Like perhaps fox got a letter from barry's lawyers?? Give us more time or else we'll tell on you?

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  WA State Voter Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:34 pm

I read on a website that the DOJ is going to investigate the "Truth Police" in Missouri. I don't know if it is a reputable website, but I will post it for you. It might not be true be true. It would be nice if it would. I would love to see Obama in hot water up to his neck.

WA State Voter

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Hannity is reciting the whole Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Mess

Post  WA State Voter Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:36 pm

And about Obama's connection to Raines, Johnson and Gorelick.

Now, if only more people would watch it!

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  Mad_Jasper Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:39 pm

I have my fingers crossed that the reason the republicans have been so silent is that they're planning to derail it. The American people are united against this plan. In fact, I don't think I've witnessed such unification of the American people in my 37 years, aside from 911.

McCain doesn't have much to lose at this point and I think it is the right thing to do. McCain can claim he's on the side of the people and the democrats would be forced to vote alone (which they fear more than death itself) or support the more popular republican version including loans and insurance. The democrats only want republican support so share blame when this bailout fails.

One more thing. If I have to watch Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, and "Fwank" Laughing adorn themselves with self-adulation again, I will effin' explode.

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  SweetNightmare Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:56 pm

Mad_Jasper wrote:I have my fingers crossed that the reason the republicans have been so silent is that they're planning to derail it. The American people are united against this plan. In fact, I don't think I've witnessed such unification of the American people in my 37 years, aside from 911.

McCain doesn't have much to lose at this point and I think it is the right thing to do. McCain can claim he's on the side of the people and the democrats would be forced to vote alone (which they fear more than death itself) or support the more popular republican version including loans and insurance. The democrats only want republican support so share blame when this bailout fails.

One more thing. If I have to watch Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, and "Fwank" Laughing adorn themselves with self-adulation again, I will effin' explode.

There has been chatter of an "October surprise" in McCain's favor. I just hope it is something big. And Pretty much everyone knows that Obama will most likely replace Biden with someone. If it DOES happen, call it now. It will be no surprise and there will be no "emergency" or "illness".

I would also like to add that I do agree--McCain and the house republicans could be siding AGAINST this bill as they know the American taxpayers will flip out. They know this bill is wrong and won't sell out.


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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  WA State Voter Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:30 pm

Our mess is affecting the world market. The Euro is plunging. One of the biggest mortgage banks in the EU was nationalized in the last couple of days. If our mess causes disaster worldwide, it will take many years to get the world markets to trust anything American again. I am not saying that the present plan is the best that could ever have been put together, but we could not bury our head and hope that it goes away.

We cannot be oblivious to the rest of the world. We did that back in the 1930s. Then it took Pearl Harbor to wake us up and realize that we had to do something.

This plan is going to hurt and hurt us badly. But doing nothing or waiting to do something when everyone was 100% happy could hurt the generations of children after us. No matter what was done you will always find a portion of the population not happy.

What we do from now is important. No more "golden parachutes" and playing around with other people's money. And if Dodd, Franks, Raines, Johnson and Obama are not investigated, we need to scream. There is no way that they should not have to pay some way. They should be kicked out of Congress if a crime is proven. Raines and Johnson need to share a cell with the Enron guys. Obama should be exposed before he is in the WH and can control investigations like what he is doing in Missouri.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! My only hope is that the GOP know all about the crimes that have been committed and are willing to shout it from the roof top.

The truth is that economic model is solid, but it depends on people not being criminals.

WA State Voter

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When are the republican going to fight back? Empty Re: When are the republican going to fight back?

Post  Mad_Jasper Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:25 am

The bailout the administration submitted and its subsequent iterations were a joke, and not even a humorous one. Funneling money to ACORN? WTF? I saw a summary of the latest bailout legislation and it appeared most of the republican revisions that democrats claimed would NOT be in the bill are in there, including mandatory insurance. That makes this bill more palatable to me.

Nonetheless, this bill does not require republicans to pass. If a handful of republicans, including John McCain, voted against this bill it would give them a lot of politcal capital in this election. JM would be the "maverick" he claims he is and he would represent the American people. Besides, it would make for an interesting debate Friday night.

Edit: Let Obama take credit for this bill if he so desires... then let McCain hammer Obama and the other democrats for causing a problem so they could swoop in a and fix it. Needed or not, this bailout is bad for the American people.

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